Wednesday, May 6, 2009

New Apartment!

So I realize it's been a while since I've updated my blog, and my last blog entry was hardly an entry. My excuse is that I've been busy looking for a new apartment. I spent this last weekend moving in and buying stuff from Ikea (yes there is an Ikea here, and it is exactly the same as any other Ikea, except with tons of Chinese people). Oh, and it has 1rmb (0.14usd) frozen yogurt cones! Who can't spare 1rmb!

I moved 4 buildings over within the same complex, because the garden and the location of this complex is awesome, so I still have the same garden from my old place, and it's still only a 15 minute walk door to door from home to the office.

The place has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, nice big living room, storage closet, and excellent balcony. Somehow, I got the master bedroom! My other two roommates are Xian Wu (Stanford MSME 2007, and Paul Yoo one of Xian's friends from NY). At some point soon, we will have a housewarming, and you'll get to see pictures of them.

Check out the wood floors!

Here's our dining room.

Here is my bedroom. It faces in and has an awesome view of the garden. Usually, I wake up to lots of sun and birds (or my alarm).

Here's a better view of the garden.

In case you're curious, this is the layout of the place.

Boxed in red is my 2nd floor apartment. That's actually my room your looking at.

There are lots of other things to be done, like set up Internet and buy some shelves. However, for the most part, I'm settled in and it feels great!

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Rebecca said...

Seeing your handwriting on the apartment layout scarred me... it brought me *right back* to Pacer and layouts!

dana said...

Ha! Wow... what a flashback!

susan.ung said...

1. i am willing to bet a lot of money that you drew that floorplan. what a nerd.

2. seems to be a trend between me and you always getting the master bedroom huh? talk about spooooiled! :D

Cindy said...

The wood floors are GORGEOUS!!! What a paradise you've found yourself. You deserve it!!