Monday, September 15, 2008

finally, a post!

Sorry it's been 3 weeks since my last post. Blogspot is censored in Burma and it's taken me 3 weeks to find a proxy server that isn't blocked so I can post something. In less than 24 hrs, I'm heading to the airport to fly to ShenZhen, and I don't imagine that China's Great Firewall will let me into blogger either, so I'm sorry about that.

In any case, I've posted a few pictures from Thailand on Picasa.

A few highlights in the last three weeks:
* Went to a cyclone area, Kunyangon
* Drilled and donated a tubewell and pump for a family in Kunyangon
* Went to a Yangon Dance Club with a few friends
* Went to see 11 Burmese Boxing matches (sitting in the 3rd row really lets your hear the punches and kicks)

More later!


Cindy said...

Thanks for the update! I can't wait to hear more about your adventures. :)

Unknown said...

Yo Dana, hope you are well! Sounds and looks like you're having a lot of fun! Stay safe in Shenzhen! Let us know how things go!