It's great when friends from Stanford have to pass through Shenzhen for work. Amish was here at the beginning of July for work. Hey Chris, when are you coming back? We can when you come!
We decided to make a day trip to Macau, which was a Portuguese colony for almost 500 years. I think it's smaller than San Francisco.

Here's Amish in a Cathedral! Cathedrals in China? Cool!

This is one thing I really liked about Macau: feeling like I was walking through Europe. I found piazzas, water fountains, and cobbled streets in a place that looked like Hong Kong, though much less crowded!

Here's the inside of the Venetian. Yes, it does look just like Vegas.

St. Mark's Square (inside the Venetian).
At the end of the day, we got to see a Cirque du Soleil (Zaia) show for 25usd! I think if you're in Vegas, 25usd will buy you two drinks while you're watching a Cirque du Soleil show.